Monitoring Containers at Scale with Wavefront

Tanzu Observability by Wavefront efficiently monitors cloud native operations at scale. It is a high-performance streaming analytics platform that supports 3D observability (metrics, histograms, traces/spans) and can scale to very high data ingestion rates and query loads. You can collect data from many services and sources across your entire application stack, and can look at details for earlier data collected by Wavefront.

The Wavefront platform includes dashboards that give DevOps teams real-time visibility into the operation and performance of containerized applications and Kubernetes clusters. The dashboard displays data on the performance of microservices and resource utilization to help you identify issues, troubleshoot problems, and optimize applications. The data can, for example, help you make decisions about how and when to scale a container environment. In short, Wavefront is an observability platform with automated service discovery and full-stack analytics.

Monitoring Kubernetes

The Wavefront service can measure, correlate, and analyze data across containers and Kubernetes clusters and can display various information, including metrics, histograms, span logs, traces and distributed tracing analysis. Because Wavefront can correlate Kubernetes performance with the performance of applications, it can help you scale faster while maintaining high quality. With Wavefront you can:

  • See a real-time, full-stack picture of your Kubernetes environment
  • Find out about incidents earlier and solve them faster by drilling down into the data
  • Understand and assess long-term trends
  • Improve collaboration and visibility across teams

Wavefront can also help you evaluate and tune the performance of microservices running on Kubernetes. For example, Wavefront can help you isolate and resolve microservices rate, error, and duration problems.

Keep Learning

Wavefront helps monitor and manage container deployments. It offers so much functionality that it’s often best to begin by investigating specific areas you are interested in. The video Introduction to Wavefront explains more about where and how Wavefront is being used. Watch Wavefront and Kubernetes to understand Kubernetes specifics. You can check out the complete library of Wavefront videos to find topics of interest. The Wavefront docs also provide an exceptionally thorough introduction to the solution, with in-depth sections on Kubernetes, dashboards, alerts, tracing and more, including lots of video content for visual learners.

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