Spring Route Authorization Testing

Toby Rumans

Spring Security enables us to lock down routes in applications to particular roles.

Testing route authorizations are often manual processes, that are prone to human error and often have complicated setup.

The following are dynamic tests that ensure your route authorization configuration is up-to-date, and has 100 percent coverage.


The solutions provided were coded for spring-boot-starter-security:2.4.4 and junit 5.

Solution - Kotlin

Here is the finished test class we’ll be walking through:

internal class WebSecurityConfigTest {

    val routeAuthSpecs: Set<RouteAuthSpec> = setOf(
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.GET, Access.Unauthenticated),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PUT, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PATCH, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user", HttpMethod.POST, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.DELETE, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        RouteAuthSpec("/some-route-without-correct-auth-to-show-failure", HttpMethod.POST, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        RouteAuthSpec("/some-route-not-implemented-to-show-failure", HttpMethod.GET, Access.Unauthenticated),

    private lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc

    lateinit var requestMapping: RequestMappingHandlerMapping

    fun `tests every route and no non-existent routes`() {
        val allRoutes = requestMapping.handlerMethods.keys
            .filter { it.patternsCondition != null }
            .filterNot { it.patternsCondition!!.patterns.contains("/error") }
            .flatMap { requestMappingInfo ->
                val method = requestMappingInfo.methodsCondition.methods.first()
                val routes = requestMappingInfo.patternsCondition!!.patterns
                routes.map { route -> "$method $route" }
        val testedRoutes = routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
            "${spec.verb} ${spec.route}"

        val untestedRoutes: Set<String> = allRoutes.subtract(testedRoutes)
        val nonexistentRoutes = testedRoutes.minus("GET /index").subtract(allRoutes)

            { assertTrue(untestedRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("The following routes are untested: %s", untestedRoutes)) },
            { assertTrue(nonexistentRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("Tests are defined for the following nonexistent routes: %s", nonexistentRoutes)) }

    fun `all routes have correct authorization when unauthenticated`(): List<DynamicTest> =
        routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
            dynamicTest("Unauthenticated [${spec.verb}] ${spec.route}") {

    fun `all routes have correct authorization when authenticated`(): List<DynamicTest> =
        Role.values().flatMap { role ->
            routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
                dynamicTest("$role [${spec.verb}] ${spec.route}") {
                    assertCorrectAuthz(role, spec)

    private fun assertCorrectUnauthenticated(spec: RouteAuthSpec) {
        val result = mockMvc.perform(spec.request).andReturn()

        assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value(), result.response.status,
            "Method ${spec.verb} does not exist for route ${spec.route}")

        when (spec.access) {
            is Access.Unauthenticated -> {
                assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected ${spec.verb} ${spec.route} not to require authentication")
            else -> {
                assertEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected ${spec.verb} ${spec.route} to require authentication.")

    private fun assertCorrectAuthz(role: Role, spec: RouteAuthSpec) {
        val result = mockMvc.perform(

        when (spec.access) {
            is Access.AnyRole -> {
                if (spec.access.allowedForRole(role)) {
                    assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                        "Expected role $role to be PERMITTED to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")
                } else {
                    assertEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                        "Expected role $role to be FORBIDDEN to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")
            is Access.Unauthenticated -> {
                assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected role $role to be PERMITTED to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")

Solution - Kotlin - Setup

To ensure all the routes are tested for every role in your system, we’ll use a combination of the RequestMappingHandlerMapping object from Spring Web and a few @TestFactory tests.

To start, let’s put our auth Roles into an enum for typed goodness (you can also do this with strings).

In our application code we have:

enum class Role {

Let’s also add a class in the tests to help us understand what authorization should be granted on a route:

sealed class Access {
    object Unauthenticated : Access()
    class AnyRole(private vararg val roles: Role) : Access() {
        fun allowedForRole(role: Role): Boolean {
            return roles.contains(role)

Finally, we bring all the pieces that we need to write tests for together with RouteAuthSpec:

data class RouteAuthSpec(
    val route: String,
    val verb: HttpMethod,
    val access: Access
) {
    val request: MockHttpServletRequestBuilder
        get() {
            val sanitizedRoute = route.replace(Regex("\\{\\w+}"), "0")
            return when (verb) {
                GET -> get(sanitizedRoute)
                POST -> post(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf())
                PUT -> put(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf())
                DELETE -> delete(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf())
                PATCH -> patch(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf())
                else -> TODO("Not Implemented for method $verb")

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "submits a $verb to $route"

Sanitizing the route allows us to configure our RouteAuthSpecs with the exact URL we’d use in our controllers.

Since we are only looking for access when sanitizing the route, parameters, including successful response codes that we pass, do not matter.

Now that we have a few of our helper classes sorted, let’s bring them together into a WebSecurityConfigTest class and add a few routes that we care about:

internal class WebSecurityConfigTest {
    val routeAuthSpecs: Set<RouteAuthSpec> = setOf(
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.GET, Access.Unauthenticated),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PUT, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),

Solution - Kotlin - All Routes

The first thing to enforce is make sure we have a RouteAuthSpec for every route in our application. To do this, use RequestMappingHandlerMapping to pull all registered routes out of the app, and to look at differences.

The following is an example of the class after adding this test:

internal class WebSecurityConfigTest {
    val routeAuthSpecs: Set<RouteAuthSpec> = setOf(
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.GET, Access.Unauthenticated),
        RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PUT, Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),

    lateinit var requestMapping: RequestMappingHandlerMapping

    fun `tests every route and no non-existent routes`() {
        val allRoutes = requestMapping.handlerMethods.keys
            .filter { it.patternsCondition != null }
            .filterNot { it.patternsCondition!!.patterns.contains("/error") }
            .flatMap { requestMappingInfo ->
                val method = requestMappingInfo.methodsCondition.methods.first()
                val routes = requestMappingInfo.patternsCondition!!.patterns
                routes.map { route -> "$method $route" }
        val testedRoutes = routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
            "${spec.verb} ${spec.route}"

        val untestedRoutes: Set<String> = allRoutes.subtract(testedRoutes)
        val nonexistentRoutes = testedRoutes.minus("GET /index").subtract(allRoutes)

            { assertTrue(untestedRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("The following routes are untested: %s", untestedRoutes)) },
            { assertTrue(nonexistentRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("Tests are defined for the following nonexistent routes: %s", nonexistentRoutes)) }

allRoutes registers all methods and routes by comparing them to the list of routes from routeAuthSpecs, (except for Spring’s default /error page).

Now, we’ll have a test failure if we ever add an application route without adding a corresponding RouteAuthSpec. We also will get a failure if we remove a route from our app without removing the relevant RouteAuthSpec.

Solution - Kotlin - Unauthenticated Routes

Next, we’ll want to ensure every unauthenticated route is behaving properly:

    fun `all routes have correct authorization when unauthenticated`(): List<DynamicTest> =
        routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
            dynamicTest("Unauthenticated [${spec.verb}] ${spec.route}") {

    private fun assertCorrectUnauthenticated(spec: RouteAuthSpec) {
        val result = mockMvc.perform(spec.request).andReturn()

        assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value(), result.response.status,
            "Method ${spec.verb} does not exist for route ${spec.route}")

        when (spec.access) {
            is Access.Unauthenticated -> {
                assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected ${spec.verb} ${spec.route} not to require authentication")
            else -> {
                assertEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected ${spec.verb} ${spec.route} to require authentication.")

We use @TestFactory here so we get an individual pass or failure for every route in our system.

Solution - Kotlin - Authenticated Routes

At this point, verifying authenticated routes isn’t much different from unauthenticated routes:

    fun `all routes have correct authorization when authenticated`(): List<DynamicTest> =
        Role.values().flatMap { role ->
            routeAuthSpecs.map { spec ->
                dynamicTest("$role [${spec.verb}] ${spec.route}") {
                    assertCorrectAuthz(role, spec)

    private fun assertCorrectAuthz(role: Role, spec: RouteAuthSpec) {
        val result = mockMvc.perform(

        when (spec.access) {
            is Access.AnyRole -> {
                if (spec.access.allowedForRole(role)) {
                    assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                        "Expected role $role to be PERMITTED to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")
                } else {
                    assertEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                        "Expected role $role to be FORBIDDEN to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")
            is Access.Unauthenticated -> {
                assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.response.status,
                    "Expected role $role to be PERMITTED to ${spec.verb} ${spec.route}")

Solution - Java

The Java solution uses all the same concepts as the Kotlin solution. In the end, we end up with this test class:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.security.test.web.servlet.request.SecurityMockMvcRequestPostProcessors;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MvcResult;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.RequestMappingInfo;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest.dynamicTest;

class WebSecurityConfigTest {
    final Set<RouteAuthSpec> routeAuthSpecs = Set.of(
        new RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.GET, new Access.Unauthenticated()),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PUT, new Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.PATCH, new Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN, Role.BASIC)),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/user", HttpMethod.POST, new Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/user/{id}", HttpMethod.DELETE, new Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/some-route-without-correct-auth-to-show-failure", HttpMethod.POST, new Access.AnyRole(Role.ADMIN)),
        new RouteAuthSpec("/some-route-not-implemented-to-show-failure", HttpMethod.GET, new Access.Unauthenticated())

    MockMvc mockMvc;

    RequestMappingHandlerMapping requestMapping;

    void testsEveryRouteAndNoNonExistentRoutes() {
        Set<String> allRoutes = requestMapping.getHandlerMethods().keySet().stream()
            .filter((RequestMappingInfo info) ->
                info.getPatternsCondition() != null &&
            ).flatMap((RequestMappingInfo info) -> {
                RequestMethod method = info.getMethodsCondition().getMethods().iterator().next();
                Set<String> routes = info.getPatternsCondition().getPatterns();
                return routes.stream().map((r) -> String.format("%s %s", method, r));

        Set<String> testedRoutes = routeAuthSpecs.stream()
            .map((s) -> String.format("%s %s", s.verb, s.route))

        Set<String> untestedRoutes = allRoutes.stream()
            .filter((r) -> !testedRoutes.contains(r))

        Set<String> nonexistentRoutes = testedRoutes.stream()
            .filter((r) -> !allRoutes.contains(r))

            () -> assertTrue(untestedRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("The following routes are untested: %s", untestedRoutes)),
            () -> assertTrue(nonexistentRoutes.isEmpty(), String.format("Tests are defined for the following nonexistent routes: %s", nonexistentRoutes))

    List<DynamicTest> allRoutesHaveCorrectAuthorizationWhenUnauthenticated() {
        return routeAuthSpecs.stream().map((spec) -> dynamicTest(
            String.format("Unauthenticated [%s] %s", spec.verb, spec.route), () -> {

    List<DynamicTest> allRoutesHaveCorrectAuthorizationWhenAuthenticated() {
        return Arrays.stream(Role.values()).flatMap((role) ->
            routeAuthSpecs.stream().map((spec) -> dynamicTest(
                String.format("%s [%s] %s", role, spec.verb, spec.route), () -> {
                    assertCorrectAuthz(role, spec);

    void assertCorrectUnauthenticated(RouteAuthSpec spec) throws Exception {
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(spec.getRequest()).andReturn();

        assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
            String.format("Method %s does not exist for route %s", spec.verb, spec.route));

        if (spec.access instanceof Access.Unauthenticated) {
            assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
                String.format("Expected %s %s not to require authentication", spec.verb, spec.route));
        } else {
            assertEquals(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
                String.format("Expected %s %s to require authentication.", spec.verb, spec.route));

    void assertCorrectAuthz(Role role, RouteAuthSpec spec) throws Exception {
        MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(

        if (spec.access instanceof Access.AnyRole) {
            if (((Access.AnyRole) spec.access).allowedForRole(role)) {
                assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
                    String.format("Expected role %s to be PERMITTED to %s %s", role, spec.verb, spec.route));
            } else {
                assertEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
                    String.format("Expected role %s to be FORBIDDEN to %s %s", role, spec.verb, spec.route));
        } else if (spec.access instanceof Access.Unauthenticated) {
            assertNotEquals(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), result.getResponse().getStatus(),
                String.format("Expected role %s to be PERMITTED to %s %s", role, spec.verb, spec.route));
        } else {
            throw new Error("Unknown class passed for spec.access");

We also have these supporting classes:

public class RouteAuthSpec {
    String route;
    HttpMethod verb;
    Access access;

    RouteAuthSpec(String route, HttpMethod verb, Access access) {
        this.route = route;
        this.verb = verb;
        this.access = access;

    MockHttpServletRequestBuilder getRequest() {
        String sanitizedRoute = route.replaceAll("\\{\\w+}", "0");
        switch (this.verb) {
            case GET:
                return get(sanitizedRoute);
            case POST:
                return post(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf());
            case PUT:
                return put(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf());
            case PATCH:
                return patch(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf());
            case DELETE:
                return delete(sanitizedRoute).with(csrf());
                throw new Error(String.format("Method %s not implemented", this.verb.toString()));

class Access {
    static class Unauthenticated extends Access {

    static class AnyRole extends Access {
        List<Role> roles;

        AnyRole(Role... roles) {
            this.roles = Arrays.stream(roles).collect(toList());

        Boolean allowedForRole(Role role) {
            return this.roles.contains(role);


  • Humans don’t have to remember to update it. The tests tell you when to change.
  • Every API route is tested against every role.
  • @TestFactory generates an individual case for every route.
  • Any team member can easily add new specs.
  • Lets you refactor your authorization matchers with confidence.


  • Adds a lot of tests to your suite that could slow it down.
  • Your hand will get sore from all the high fives.

Further reading

Example Repository
