Building and Deploying a Cloud Native Application

Build and deploy a web application on a modern container orchestration platform, and learn cloud native principles along the way.

180 minutes

Start Workshop

This is a workshop for developers and application operators new to cloud native concepts who wish to learn the basics of building and deploying a web application to a container orchestration platform.

In this workshop you will be presented:

  • The essence of Cloud Native in a modern technology and practices context

  • Why Cloud Native practices are important to you, your employers and your customers

You will also:

  • Build a simple blocking web application.

  • Containerize it for running on a container orchestration platform.

  • Deploy the application to a container orchestration platform.

  • Access your application in the public internet as an end-user.

  • Monitor the state of your application on the platform.

This workshop is the first in a series of workshops that explore cloud-native development and application operations practices.

The workshop also provides foundational background for other Tanzu Developer Center Spring, Spring Boot or Kubernetes content.