SpringOne Tour

A series of live online events where your favorites from the community go in depth on different topics at the intersection of Spring and Kubernetes.

Workshop attendees will receive special edition swag

Booternetes Europe

Booternetes Europe

Apr 28 2021

Booternetes Europe

April 28 • 10:00–14:15 CEST


We’ll kick off SpringOne Tour with a look at some application modernization strategies driving production outcomes with Spring on Kubernetes. (And yes, that’s #booternetes.)


Then get ready to put your Kubernetes knowledge to practice in a hands-on workshop. We’ll cover tools and best practices for getting your Spring apps to Kubernetes quickly and easily. We’ll start at everyone’s (second) favorite place on the internet—start.spring.io—and walk through the process of creating new apps all the way through to automated deployments directly to Kubernetes. By the end of this session, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to target Kubernetes as your production environment.

Workshop registration is closed


Michael Coté

Michael Coté studies how large organizations get better at building software to run more efficiently and grow their business. He covers this topic in his books, Monolithic Transformation (O’Reilly Media, 2009) and The Business Bottleneck (O’Reilly Media, 2020). He’s been an industry analyst at RedMonk and 451 Research, done corporate strategy and M&A, and was a programmer. He also co-hosts several podcasts, including “Software Defined Talk.” Cf. cote.io, and is @cote on Twitter. Texas forever!

Jakub Pilimon

Jakub is a developer advocate at VMware, blogger, programmer, and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with domain-driven design, test-driven development, and Spring. Architecture is a main area of interest, too. When he doesn’t program, he rides motorbikes, skis, or practices kitesurfing.

He writes a DZone MVB-awarded blog and his pet projects can be found at https://github.com/ddd-by-examples.

Hannah Foxwell

Hannah Foxwell is the Director for Platform Services at VMware Tanzu Labs, based in the UK. She leads a team of Solution Architects and Product Managers who are focused on building wildly successful Platform Teams with customers across EMEA. Hannah is a champion of the HumanOps movement, leads the HumanOps meetup in London and organizes DevOpsDays London.

Marc Zottner

Marc is a French technologist living in Germany with over 14 years of experience which he has collected in many projects for more than 60 customers over 12 countries in the finance, software, retail, energy, medical, public, manufacturing and telecommunications sectors. His main interests are application modernization, architecture, security, platform as a service, user experience, front-end technologies, open source software, and Java enterprise.

Dave Syer

Founder of Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, and an active contributor to Spring Integration, Spring Framework, Spring AMQP, Spring Security.

Ollie Hughes

Ollie is a software engineer on the Spring Commercial team at VMware Tanzu. He is currently working on the Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes project which is now has a beta release available. He has spoken at a number of conferences about Java and Kubernetes and his spare time enjoys cycling.

Alberto Calleja Ríos

Software Engineer interested in building products people love in agile environments with a focus on high-quality tests and clean code. At the moment, I am part of the Spring Engineering team at VMware working from Seville, Spain on a fully remote team. We are building Spring Cloud related products and frameworks to help people adopting a microservices architecture and improving the experience of Spring in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. I like to focus on Reliability, Continuous Delivery, and Testing tasks and I mainly commit to Java Open Source projects.

Alexey Nesterov

Alexey is a member of the Spring Cloud Services team based in London. After years of exploring the depths of software development industry, he ended up being a fan of agile software development and lean approach, extreme programming and TDD, Spring Framework and tools that just work.

Oded Shopen

Oded Shopen is a Lead Specialist Solution Engineer at VMware, spreading the message of Cloud-Native development, Tanzu and App Transformation. He helped design large-scale, cloud-native microservices using Tanzu, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud.