Cache-Aside Pattern

This guide walks you through how to implement the cache-aside pattern to your Spring Boot application using VMware Tanzu GemFire and Spring Boot for Apache Geode.

When should I use the cache-aside pattern?

The cache-aside pattern is a great candidate for data that doesn’t change often and is frequently read. Some examples include:

  • Front page for a website
  • Healthcare policies, procedure codes, providers, and coverage.
  • Promotional campaign information
  • Product Catalog
  • User profiles
  • Movie listings
  • etc.

How does the cache-aside pattern work?

With the cache-aside pattern, the application will request data from the cache. If the data IS NOT in the cache (cache miss), the application will request the data from the data store. Once the application receives the data, it will write that data to the cache (cache write).


If the data IS in the cache (cache hit), your application will receive the requested data without needing to access the data store.


What you’ll need

To complete this guide you need:

  • The Cache-Aside Cache example
  • Your favorite text editor or IDE
  • JDK 8 or 11
  • A Spring Boot application (using 2.3 or greater)
  • The Spring Boot for Apache Geode dependency.

If running on the Tanzu Application Service for VMs

If running on Kubernetes

  • A Tanzu GemFire Cluster.

    For this example:

    • Our namespace is tanzu-gemfire
    • Our GemFire cluster is cache-aside-gemfire-cluster
  • Docker installed.

  • An image repository for the Cache-Aside Example (we used Docker Hub).

Where do we begin?

This example begins with a Spring Boot application that is making a call to an external data source (in this case, the free Bikewise API), using a ZIP code as the search term. By implementing the cache-aside pattern you will speed up subsequent searches of that ZIP code.

In your application the external data source may be a call to a database, a different API, or another microservice.

You can download the complete application from the Tanzu GemFire examples GitHub repository.

$ git clone

Add the Spring Boot for Apache Geode Dependency

To allow the application to work with Tanzu GemFire and utilize the Spring Boot for Apache Geode dependency, add the following dependency information (for this example we have used Gradle)


ext {
  set('springGeodeVersion', "1.4.0")

dependencies {
  implementation 'org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-starter'
  testImplementation 'org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-starter-test'

dependencyManagement {
  imports {
    mavenBom "org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-bom:${springGeodeVersion}"





Add Spring Boot for Apache Geode Annotations

Add the following annotations to either your application configuration class or your main application class

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.geode.config.annotation.EnableClusterAware;

public class CacheAsideApplicationConfig {

@EnableCachingDefinedRegions Inspects the Spring application for components annotated with @Cacheable to identify the regions (caches) needed by the application at runtime.

@EnableClusterAware Allows the application to seamlessly switch between local-only (application running on local machine) and client/server (in a managed environment such as Tanzu Application Service). This annotation includes the @EnableClusterConfiguration annotation, which dynamically creates regions if they do not exist already. Note that the @EnableClusterConfiguration annotation will only create Regions, it will not delete or update existing regions.

Add the @Cacheable Annotation to Service Method

Finally, add the @Cacheable annotation to the service methods whose results will be cached.

import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable;

public class BikeIncidentService {
    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    private String API_URL;


    public List<BikeIncident> getBikeIncidents(String zipCode) throws IOException {
        String jsonIncidents = restTemplate.getForObject(API_URL + zipCode, String.class);
        return convertJsonToBikeIncidents(jsonIncidents);


Add the name of the region you wish to be created as an argument to the annotation. In the above example we have @Cacheable(“BikeIncidentsByZip”), so a region with the name BikeIncidentsByZip will be used.

Remember that with the cache-aside pattern, the application will first check in the cache and if the value is found, the application will not run the logic in the annotated method.

Testing Tip

When unit testing during development, to verify caching, @Autowire a CacheManager and use it to obtain your named region and verify its contents.

The @DirtiesContext is used to destroy the test region and its data after the test is run. This prevents interference with other tests.

In the cache-aside example, this looks like:

import org.springframework.cache.CacheManager;
import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext;

CacheManager cacheManager;

public void getBikeIncidents_ShouldPullFromCache_AfterFirstResult() throws IOException {
   mockRestServer.expect(ExpectedCount.once(), requestTo(API_URL + ZIP_CODE_30306))
       .andRespond(withSuccess(mockIncidentsJsonForZipcode_30306, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));

   List<BikeIncident> resultsFor_30306_fromApi =
   List<BikeIncident> resultsFor_30306_fromCache =

   assertEquals(resultsFor_30306_fromApi, resultsFor_30306_fromCache);

Run the App Locally

Build the App

To run the app on your local machine, in a terminal, navigate to the root of the project and build the app


./gradlew clean build


mvn clean package

Start the Spring Boot App

Then run the Spring Boot command.


./gradlew bootRun


mvn spring-boot:run

When the app is running, open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080. You should see this


Enter a ZIP code to search for bike incidents.


Notice the response time on the right side. The application has now queried the Bikewise API with the entered ZIP code and stored the response in Tanzu GemFire.

If you click the search button again with the same ZIP code, you will see that the response time is significantly faster, as the application is now retrieving the information from the Tanzu GemFire cache.


Run the App on the Tanzu Application Service

Update the manifest.yaml file

In the project root directory, open the manifest.yml file and replace <your-tanzu-gemfire-service> with the name of your service instance.

Push the app to your TAS space

Once the Tanzu GemFire service instance is running (you can check the status by running the cf services command), push your app to TAS with cf push.

After the app has successfully been pushed, in the output find the route. Then open a browser and copy and paste the route into the browser.

Run the App on Kubernetes

Edit the file

  • Navigate to the spring-for-apache-geode-examples/cache-aside directory.

  • Open the

  • Uncomment the two listed properties.

  • Replace the value for with your Tanzu GemFire cluster information, for each locator (in this example we only have one locator). The information will follow the form:


    For our example the value looks like this: cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-locator-0.cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire[10334]
    • Replace cache-aside-gemfire-cluster with the name of your GemFire cluster if different.
    • Replace tanzu-gemfire with your namespace if different.
  • Replace the value for with your Tanzu GemFire cluster information. This will allow Spring Boot for Apache Geode to push your initial cluster configuration to your Tanzu GemFire cluster. The information follows a similar form as above:


    For our example the value looks like this: cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-locator-0.cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire
    • Replace cache-aside-gemfire-cluster with the name of your GemFire cluster if different.
    • Replace tanzu-gemfire with your namespace if different.

Build a Docker Image with Gradle or Maven

Starting with Spring Boot 2.3, you can now customize and create an OCI image using Spring Boot. In this example we’re using the Gradle - packaging OCI images option. If you are using Maven check out the instructions found here.

  • In a terminal, navigate to the cache-aside directory.
  • Build the application with ./gradlew clean build
  • Open the build.gradle file and update the bootBuildImage section, with your Docker repository information. This will build an image with the name[docker username]/bike-incidents:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.
  • Build the image with ./gradlew bootBuildImage

Push your Docker Image to Docker Hub

For this example, we’re using Docker Hub as our registry. This will create a repository on Docker Hub called bike-incidents and push the image we created into that repository.

In a terminal

  • Login to your Docker account

  • Run the docker push [IMAGE NAME HERE]. For this example it should be similar to this

    docker push[YOUR DOCKER USERNAME]/bike-incidents:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Create a deployment in your Kubernetes cluster

Create a Kubernetes deployment for your Bike Incidents app. This will create a deployment, replicaset, and pod using the image we created above.

  kubectl --namespace=tanzu-gemfire create deployment bike-incidents-deployment[YOUR DOCKER USERNAME]/bike-incidents:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
  • Replace tanzu-gemfire with your namespace if different.

If successful you should see deployment.apps/bike-incidents-deployment created

Create a LoadBalancer to access the app

In order to access Bike Incidents app from a browser, we need to expose the deployment.

kubectl --namespace=tanzu-gemfire expose deployment/bike-incidents-deployment --type="LoadBalancer" --port=80 --target-port=8080
  • Replace tanzu-gemfire with your namespace if different.

If you’re trying this locally with MiniKube, you will need to replace LoadBalancer with NodePort.

Access the Bike Incidents App

Once the Load Balancer has been created, you can now access the Bike Incidents app using the External IP on the LoadBalancer service.

kubectl -n tanzu-gemfire get services
  • Replace tanzu-gemfire with your namespace if different.

This should output something similar to (your locator and server names may be different).

NAME                                  TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)              AGE
bike-incidents-deployment            LoadBalancer   80:31350/TCP         57s
cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-locator   ClusterIP      None           <none>         10334/TCP,4321/TCP   132m
cache-aside-gemfire-cluster-server    ClusterIP      None           <none>         40404/TCP,4321/TCP   131m

In your browser, go to the EXTERNAL-IP of the bike-incidents-deployment and you should see a working Bike Incidents app.

Confirm your app is connected to your Tanzu GemFire cluster

  • Open a terminal

  • Start gfsh for kubernetes

    kubectl -n tanzu-gemfire exec -it GEMFIRE-CLUSTER-NAME-locator-0 -- gfsh
    • Replace tanzu-gemfire with the name of your namespace, if it’s different.
    • Replace GEMFIRE-CLUSTER-NAME with the name of your Tanzu GemFire cluster.
  • Once you see that GFSH has started, connect to your cluster with the connect command

    gfsh> connect
  • Once connected run the list regions command

    gfsh> list regions

You should see something similar to

  List of regions

This shows that the Spring Boot for Apache Geode app has connected to the Tanzu GemFire cluster and pushed the initial configuration (your region called BikeIncidentsByZip) to the cluster.

If the BikeIncidentsByZip region IS NOT listed, the first item to check is the file. Confirm that the spring data property values are set correctly. If you need to update them, make sure you also increment your build number of your image. This will force Kubernetes to pull the new image (as opposed to using a cached version of the image).

Congratulations! You have now deployed a simple Spring Boot for Apache Geode app that implements the cache-aside pattern

Learn More

  • Create an application that utilizes Spring Boot for Apache Geode and Spring Session for session state caching.