Admission Control

This document details the philosophy and methods for implementing admission control in a Kubernetes cluster, such as Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG). It covers architectural considerations, tooling choices, and best practices. This document represents how the VMware field team approaches admission control in enterprise Kubernetes environments.

Each section covers architectural recommendations and, at times, configuration for each concern. At a high-level, the key recommendations are:

  • Unless mutation or external interaction is required, OPA Gatekeeper can often be the best solution.
  • Be aware that admission controllers sit in the critical path to the API server, so consider this bottleneck carefully.
  • If writing a controller, consider the trade-off between frameworks and familiar language stacks.


When objects are applied to the Kubernetes API server they go through a series of steps before being committed to etcd (the persistent datastore). The whole flow is illustrated below.

Admission Control Architecture

There are many admission controllers that are built in to Kubernetes to provide common functionality. These include:

  • ServiceAccount - Responsible for injecting the default service account into pods where necessary.
  • ResourceQuota - Responsible for enforcing resource quotas on workloads.
  • NamespaceLifecycle - Responsible for preventing new objects being created in a namespace that is currently in a terminating state.

There are a set of admission controllers that are enabled by default. These defaults include two special admission controllers that allow cluster administrators to dynamically specify additional admission controllers that will be called via webhook from the API server (the built-ins are implemented in-tree). This guide will only focus on designing and writing mutating and validating admission webhooks.

Because they are called as a webhook, dynamic admission controllers (both mutating and validating) can run in-cluster or out-of-cluster (lending themselves to work well as serverless functions for example). One caveat is that the API server will call webhooks over TLS, so webhooks must present certificates trusted by the Kubernetes API. This is often achieved by deploying Cert Manager into the cluster and automatically generating certificates.

Mutating Admission Controllers

Mutating admission controllers receive AdmissionReview requests from the API server and can optionally alter objects before allowing them to pass on to the API server (or rejecting them). These types of controllers are useful for things like injecting sidecar containers (keeping a clean UX for end users) e.g. Istio.

If a controller chooses to mutate a request, it will allow the request by sending an AdmissionReview response object along with a serialized set of JSONPatch objects that describe to the API server how the object should be altered. Depending on the implementation chosen (details below) these patches may be auto-generated for you.

One downside of mutating controllers is that visibility is removed from the end user, with requests / objects being applied to the cluster that are not consistent with those that the end user originally created, potentially causing confusion if the user is unaware that mutating controllers are in operation on the cluster.

Validating Admission Controllers

Validating admission controllers also receive AdmissionReview requests from the API server but are not able to modify them. They can only admit or reject the original object.

This restriction makes them fairly limited, however they are a good fit when ensuring that objects applied to the cluster conform to security standards (specific user IDs, no host mounts, etc…) or contain all required metadata (internal team labels, annotations, etc…).

Configuring Webhook Admission Controllers

Cluster administrators can use the MutatingWebhookConfiguration and ValidatingWebhookConfiguration kinds to specify the configuration of dynamic webhooks. Below is an annotated example describing all of the relevant sections:

kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: "test-mutating-hook"
  - name: "test-mutating-hook"
    # Matching rules. What API / kind / version / operations should this webhook be sent.
      - apiGroups: [""]
        apiVersions: ["v1"]
        # The operation that should trigger a call to the webhook.
        operations: ["CREATE"]
        # Which kind to target.
        resources: ["pods"]
        # Whether Namespace-scoped or cluster-scoped resources should be targeted.
        scope: "Namespaced"
    # Describes how the API server should connect to the webhook. In this case it's in cluster at `test-service.test-ns.svc`.
        namespace: test-ns
        name: test-service
        path: /test-path
        port: 8443
      # A PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the webhook's server certificate.
      caBundle: "Ci0tLS0tQk...tLS0K"
    # Declare the admissionReviewVersions that the webhook supports.
    admissionReviewVersions: ["v1", "v1beta1"]
    # Describes whether the webhook has external side effects (calls / dependencies to external systems).
    sideEffects: None
    # How long to wait until triggering the failurePolicy.
    timeoutSeconds: 5
    # Whether this webhook can be re-invoked (this may happen after other webhooks have been called).
    reinvocationPolicy: IfNeeded
    # Whether the webhook should fail 'open' or 'closed. This has security implications.
    failurePolicy: Fail

Design Considerations

Failure Modes: If a webhook is unreachable or sends an unknown response back to the API server, it is treated as failing. Administrators must choose whether to fail ‘open’ or ‘closed’ in this situation by setting the failurePolicy field to Ignore (allow the request) or Fail (reject the request).

For security-related (or critical functionality) webhooks, Fail is the safest option. For non-critical hooks Ignore may be safe (potentially in conjunction with a reconciling controller as a backup). Combine these recommendations with those in the performance section below.

Ordering: The first thing to note with regards to request flow above is that mutating webhooks will all be called (potentially more than once)before validating webhooks are called. This is important because it enables validating webhooks (which may reject a request based on security requirements) always to see the final version of a resource before it is applied.

Mutating webhooks are not guaranteed to be called in a specific order, and may be called multiple times if subsequent hooks modify a request. This can be modified by specifying the reinvocationPolicy but ideally webhooks should be designed for idempotency to ensure ordering does not affect their functionality.

Performance: Webhooks are called as part of the critical path of requests flowing to the API server. If a webhook is critical (security-related) and fails closed (if a timeout occurs, the request is denied) then it should be designed with high-availability in mind.

If a webhook is resource-intensive and / or has external dependencies, consideration should be taken for how often the hook will be called, and the performance impact of adding the functionality into the critical path. In these situations a controller that reconciles objects once in-cluster may be preferable.

Side Effects: Some webhooks may be responsible for modifying external resources (e.g. some resource in a cloud provider) based on a request to the Kubernetes API. These webhooks should be aware of and respect the dryRun option and skip external state modification when it is enabled. Webhooks are responsible for declaring that they either have no side-effects, or respect this option by setting the sideEffects field.


There are three main approaches to implementing admission control in Kubernetes. This section details each approach and calls out the advantages / disadvantages and most appropriate use cases for each.

Open Policy Agent (OPA) Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper is an OSS tool that uses Open Policy Agent to implement a validating admission controller. This allows users to write constraints in the Rego language to specify rules that specific resources should conform to.

Administrators specify ConstraintTemplate resources which are templates with variable placeholders that can be re-used by end-users. For example, to specify a ConstraintTemplate that allows a user to specify some required labels, the following could be applied:

kind: ConstraintTemplate
  name: k8srequiredlabels
        kind: K8sRequiredLabels
        listKind: K8sRequiredLabelsList
        plural: k8srequiredlabels
        singular: k8srequiredlabels
        # Schema for the `parameters` field
              type: array
              items: string
    - target:
      rego: |
        package k8srequiredlabels

        violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {
          provided := {label |[label]}
          required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}
          missing := required - provided
          count(missing) > 0
          msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])

The ConstraintTemplate contains Rego code that can refer to input parameters defined at a later time. An end-user can then apply the following object to make use of the template to enforce the constraint:

kind: K8sRequiredLabels
  name: ns-must-have-gk
      - apiGroups: [""]
        kinds: ["Namespace"]
    labels: ["gatekeeper"]

The above selects all Namespace objects and ensures they have the gatekeeper label.

There are also use-cases where it’s necessary to make a policy decision based on data that exists externally to the object that’s being applied to the cluster. An example of this would be ensuring that all ingresses are unique. For that it’s required that we can query the state of the cluster to check all ingress objects to compare against the one being applied.

Another even more complex example would be to annotate a namespace with a regex pattern, and ensure any ingress applied in that namespace conforms to the regex. A Gatekeeper sync config needs to be applied to make existing cluster information available to Gatekeeper. This tells Gatekeeper to sync and cache information about the specified resources:

kind: Config
  name: config
  namespace: "gatekeeper-system"
      - group: "extensions"
        version: "v1beta1"
        kind: "Ingress"
      - group: ""
        version: "v1beta1"
        kind: "Ingress"
      - group: ""
        version: "v1"
        kind: "Namespace"

The ConstraintTemplate uses the data.inventory... object to look up items from the sync cache:

kind: ConstraintTemplate
  name: limitnamespaceingress
        kind: LimitNamespaceIngress
        listKind: LimitNamespaceIngressList
        plural: limitnamespaceingresss
        singular: limitnamespaceingress
        # Schema for the `parameters` field in the constraint
              type: string
    - target:
      rego: |
        package limitnamespaceingress

        violation[{"msg": msg}] {
          regex :=
          hosts :=[_].host
          not re_match(regex, hosts)
          msg := sprintf("Only ingresses with host matching %v are allowed in namespace %v", [regex ,])

The annotation in the custom input parameters allows the user to specify the specific annotation that Gatekeeper should pull the regex pattern from.

Rego returns early if any statement returns False, so the re_match() is inverted with not to ensure that a positive match allows the request.

The LimitNamespaceIngress object specifies that the rule should apply to Ingress objects for both apiGroups and designates allowed-ingress-pattern as the annotation that should be inspected for the regex pattern (this was the customizable input parameter).

kind: LimitNamespaceIngress
  name: limit-namespace-ingress
      - apiGroups: ["extensions", ""]
        kinds: ["Ingress"]
    annotation: allowed-ingress-pattern

Finally the Namespace object itself is applied with the custom annotation & pattern:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    # Note regex special character escaping
    allowed-ingress-pattern: \w\.my-namespace\.com
  name: ingress-test

Now the setup is complete the ingress objects are applied and rules evaluated against them:

# FAILS because the host doesn't match the pattern above
kind: Ingress
  name: test-1
  namespace: ingress-test
    - host:
          - backend:
              serviceName: service1
              servicePort: 80
# SUCCEEDS as the pattern matches
kind: Ingress
  name: test-2
  namespace: ingress-test
    - host:
          - backend:
              serviceName: service2
              servicePort: 80

The second ingress above will succeed as the matches the regex pattern specified in the allowed-ingress-pattern annotation on the ingress-test namespace. However the first ingress above does not match and results in an error:

Error from server ([denied by limit-namespace-ingress] Only ingresses with host matching \w\.my-namespace\.com are allowed in namespace ingress-test): error when creating "ingress.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: [denied by limit-namespace-ingress] Only ingresses with host matching \w\.my-namespace\.com are allowed in namespace ingress-test


  • Extensible ConstraintTemplate model allows admins to define common policies and share / re-use them as libraries.
  • Doesn’t require any custom coding (outside of Rego policies).
  • Fairly mature, community-supported project.
  • Easy to install.


  • Only supports validating (not mutating) admission control.
  • Rego can get unwieldy when writing non-trivial evaluation logic.
  • Care needs to be taken with the defaults (e.g. failurePolicy is set to Ignore).
Alternate deprecated approach: OPA with kube-mgmt

Before Gatekeeper was released, there was an alternative approach to use OPA with Kubernetes. This involved deploying a kube-mgmt component to the cluster which would watch for ConfigMap objects containing rego policies and load them into OPA. This is in contrast to the more Kubernetes-native approach of using CRDs for policies and templates.


The upstream tool (controller-runtime) provides abstractions to ease the creation of mutating and validating admission webhooks.

An example of how to implement these hooks for built-in types (e.g. Pod, Deployment, etc…) is provided by the project to help users get started.

This approach is useful when complex logic or side-effects are required in an admission controller. While it does require coding knowledge (Go), it offers great flexibility while still taking advantage of the abstractions offered by controller-runtime.

Webhooks must implement a Handle method whose signature is:

func (w *Webhook) Handle(ctx context.Context, req admission.Request) admission.Response

The admission.Request object is an abstraction over the raw JSON that webhooks receive, and provides easy access to the raw applied object, the operation being executed (e.g. CREATE) etc…

Within the handler create a new instance of the object being captured and decode the raw object into the Go structure. In the case below a new Pod struct is created:

p := &v.Pod{}
err := w.decoder.DecodeRaw(req.Object, p)

The p object can be modified or validated in any way before the response is returned. In the example below an annotation is added to the Pod before marshaling the object back to JSON and sending the patched response back to the API server:

p.Annotations["new-annotation"] = "new-annotation-value"\
marshaledPod, err := json.Marshal(p)
return admission.PatchResponseFromRaw(req.Object.Raw, marshaledPod)

Controller-runtime’s PatchResponseFromRaw method will automatically calculate the JSONPatch diffs required between the original raw object and the modified one before sending the correctly serialized response.

In the case of a simple validating hook, controller-runtime provides convenience functions admission.Allowed() and admission.Denied() that can be used after processing the required logic.

One of the biggest additional advantages of using Kubebuilder is the use of markers to auto-generate manifests for deployment & RBAC.

// +kubebuilder:webhook:path=/validate-v1-pod,mutating=false,failurePolicy=fail,groups="",resources=pods,verbs=create;update,versions=v1,

The example above generates the following:

kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: ""
  - name: ""
      - apiGroups: [""]
        apiVersions: ["v1"]
        operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
        resources: ["pods"]
        scope: "Namespaced"
        name: vpod
        path: /validate-v1-pod
        port: 8443
      caBundle: "Ci0tLS0tQk...tLS0K"
    failurePolicy: Fail


  • Supports both mutating and validating admission control.
  • Use of high-level programming language allows huge flexibility / & extensibility.
  • Abstracts underlying request handling and message parsing with convenience interfaces and methods.
  • Can have more tightly-scoped RBAC privileges.


  • Requires Go programming knowledge.
  • Requires knowledge of some Kubernetes API server behaviors.
  • Admission logic is contained in code rather than being readable in CRDs or ConfigMaps.

Agnostic HTTP Handler

An alternate way to build admission controllers (mutating & validating) is by implementing an HTTP webhook endpoint from scratch in any language. Examples below use Go but any language capable of TLS-enabled HTTP handling and JSON parsing is acceptable.

Using this approach provides the most flexibility to integrate with the current stacks in use, but comes at the cost of many high-level abstractions (although languages with mature Kubernetes client libraries can alleviate this).

As described above admission control webhooks receive and return HTTPS requests from and to the API server. The schema of these messages is well known so it’s possible to receive the request and modify the object (via Patches) manually.

The example below is shown in Go. Whereas controller-runtime provides a patch generation helper, it is necessary in plain Go to generate the JSONPatch and serialize it (to JSON) manually:

patch := []patchOperation{
   Op:    "add",
   Path:  "/spec/volumes/0",
   Value: volume,
patchBytes, err := json.Marshal(patch)

Finally there is no convenience wrapper around the response, so this also has to be manually created with the relevant patches and status before being returned:

return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
  Allowed: true,
  Patch:   patchBytes,
  PatchType: func() *v1beta1.PatchType {
   pt := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch
   return &pt

In addition to the extra work in the logic of the webhook, there is a larger amount of supporting code required to handle errors, graceful shutdown, HTTP headers, etc…


  • Maximum flexibility for different languages / stacks.
  • Supports both mutating and validating hooks.


  • Almost all functionality must be written from scratch.
  • More complex to maintain.