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Tanzu GemFire

An in-memory database powered by Apache Geode. Scale your data services on demand to support high-performance, real-time apps.

Code Samples

Node.js - CRUD-ops

Provides a simple JavaScript application that demonstrates basic CRUD operations on a local Tanzu GemFire cluster.

Node.js - Put All

A simple JavaScript application that demonstrates basic putAll and getAll operations on Tanzu GemFire cluster. This application leverages the CRUD-ops example, which you should review prior starting.

Spring - Convert Redis HTTP Session State to Tanzu GemFire

Three examples that show how to convert your Spring Session Data Redis app to use Spring Boot for Apache Geode.

Node.js - SSL

Demonstrates basic SSL connection of a client with a GemFire Cache cluster. This application leverages the CRUD-ops example, which should be reviewed prior starting.

Spring - Convert Spring Data Redis Pub-Sub to Tanzu GemFire

This example highlights the changes necessary for switching to SBDG for a Spring Data Redis publish/subscribe app.

Tanzu GemFire .NET Client - Put, Get, Remove

This is a sample code with minimum functions like put, get and remove from a region on cache server(s). It’s a command line simple program that connects to a region using cache factory object and does not involve any dependency on Java.

Tanzu GemFire .NET Client - Session State

This is a sample code that stores a session state for an ASP.NET app (basically .NET Web App). It’s a simple command line program that connects to a region using a cache factory object and does not involve any dependency on Java.

Tanzu GemFire .NET Client - SSL

Demonstrates basic SSL connection of a Tanzu GemFire .NET client with a GemFire cluster. It’s a simple command line program that connects to a region using the cache factory object and does not involve a dependency on Java.

Tanzu GemFire .NET Client - Using Client Cache XML & Properties File

This is a sample code that uses file along with client.xml file.

Next.js Page Counter

This example demonstrates use of the Node.js client with a simple Next.js web app by displaying a count of page renderings.

Node.js - Authentication

Demonstrates the basic authentication and authorization mechanism used when an app interacts with a Tanzu GemFire cluster.

Node.js - Book Service

Provides a simple book-serving app which uses the data service as a system of record.

Node.js - Function Execution

A simple JavaScript application that demonstrates calling a server-side function on a Tanzu GemFire cluster.

Node.js - Object Put

A simple JavaScript application that demonstrates basic object usage with a local Tanzu GemFire cluster.

Node.js - Query

A simple JavaScript application that demonstrates executing a query on a Tanzu GemFire cluster.


Logging Apache Geode PartitionedRegion Primary and Secondary Bucket Locations

This article provides an example of a compact view of the primary and secondary bucket locations per server and redundancy zone.

Displaying Current and Historical Apache Geode Statistics

This article describes how to display historical and current statistics for Apache Geode.

The Most Useful Statistics for Troubleshooting Tanzu GemFire Deployments

This article describes the most useful statistics for troubleshooting Tanzu GemFire Deployments.

What is Stored in a Region

This article describes the different RegionEntry and CachedDeserializable types and when they are used.

Transmitting Deltas Between Different Apache Geode Distributed Systems

This article describes a way to send the delta bytes between the DistributedSystems instead of sending the entire object bytes.

Calculating the Size of an Apache Geode GatewaySender Queue

This article describes how to use the ObjectGraphSizer to calculate the size of a GatewaySender queue.

Calculating Apache Geode GatewaySender Event Queue, Transmission and Processing Times

Calculating queue, transmission and total processing times for Apache Geode GatewaySender events can be helpful for WAN resource capacity planning …

Implementing a Spring Boot JMX Notification Listener for Apache Geode

This article describes a Spring Boot JMX Notification listener application.

Logging Apache Geode PartitionedRegion Entry Details Per Bucket

This article shows how to get details for each BucketRegion in the PartitionedRegion.

Routing Events Directly to a Parallel Apache Geode AsyncEventQueue

This article shows how to route events directly to a parallel AsyncEventQueue using Functions.

Threads Used in Apache Geode Function Execution

This article describes several common Function execution use cases and which threads processes those requests.

Improving the Performance of Apache Geode Persistence Recovery

This is our journey into how we improved the system recovery performance.

Calculating the Size of an Apache Geode Region

This article describes how to use ObjectGraphSizer to calculate the size of a Region.

Geode Write-Behind Event Handling with Spring JPA

A small project to show how an Apache Geode write-behind event handling can be implemented with Spring Data JPA and Spring Boot Data Geode.

Verifying Apache Geode Region Consistency in Different Distributed Systems

Apache Geode provides a mechanism to asynchronously distribute batches of events between two disparate DistributedSystems called a WAN topology. The …

Logging Apache Geode GatewaySender Queue Events

This is a how-to article that describes a way to log all the events in a GatewaySender queue.

Spring Security & Geode

Spring Security is an extremely powerful and highly customizable framework that provides authentication, authorization, and protection against common …

Converting All Apache Geode Statistics to Micrometer Meters

This article describes a way to convert all existing Geode Statistics to Micrometer Gauges and to push those Gauges to Wavefront using a Spring Boot …

The Command Region Pattern

The Command Pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object is used to encapsulate all information needed to perform an action or trigger an …

Publishing Apache Geode Metrics to Wavefront

In this particular case, Micrometer provides a simple way to create a Micrometer registry for Wavefront and we’ll plug this registry into an …

Geode Distributed Sequences

A sequence, also known as a counter, is a feature supported by some database systems to produce unique values on demand, generally increasing the …

Ingest, Store and Search JSON data with Apache Kafka and Apache Geode

We’ll be ingesting JSON data from a rest endpoint into a Kafka topic. We will sink the data into an Apache Geode region using the …

Pluggable OQL Method Authorization

Apache Geode provides a SQL-like query language called OQL that allows users to access data stored within the regions.

Apache Geode as a Remote Gradle Build Cache

Apache Geode as a remote cache for Gradle to share commonly built task outputs across remote builds to improve build times